Re: Version 1.1.1 / Compilation flags

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 19:58:08 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Performance decrease with Unix32/v1.1.1"

    Benoit Sibaud wrote:
    >Is there somewhere a list of compil flags you used for binaries
    >available on the site?

    With GCC, the best version seems to be 2.95. You can install it
    easily, without overwriting your default compiler, as described here:

    Flags that I recommend are:

      -O2 or -O3

    If MMX is available use -DMMX, otherwise try -DPROD=1 or 2, 3, 4, or 5.

    With the 64-bit code you can add -freg-struct-return.

    You might also try a flag to produce code specifically for your chip,
    such as -march=pentiumpro.

    >So I take you binaries for i386, but there are no binaries for Sparc
    >and UltraSparc v1.1.1. I can compile for this plateform if you give me
    >your marvelous :) flags.

    I have put RPMs and binaries for Sparc Linux on the Web site. These
    were made by Eddie C. Dost. There are both 32-bit and 64-bit versions
    and the RPM picks the right one by checking if "uname -m" returns "sparc64".

    I would like to thank Eddie and also Wil Harris, Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale
    and Xavier Hienne who all sent RPMs with much improved .spec files.
    Hopefully I will be able to put up new and improved RPMs for v1.1.1 soon.


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