Version 1.1.1 / Compilation flags

From: Benoit Sibaud (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 14:57:00 MET

  • Next message: Shaul Karl: "More points were received but the chance to find the solution has decreased?"


    Is there somewhere a list of compil flags you used for binaries
    available on the site?
    I'm interested by i386 Linux, Sparc Linux and UltraSparc Solaris: I try
    to compile with some flags but my exec is slower than yours... So I take
    you binaries for i386, but there are no binaries for Sparc and
    UltraSparc v1.1.1. I can compile for this plateform if you give me your
    marvelous :) flags.

    Benoit Sibaud
    Engineer R&D France Telecom/BD/FTR&D/DAC/OAT
    "Man is the only animal that blushes -- or needs to."  -- Mark Twain

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