Re: More points were received but the chance to find the solution has decreased?

From: Dan Oetting (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 23:52:10 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Version 1.1.1 / Compilation flags"

    This I find interesting. I assume the initial 1.4 billion iterations
    estimate was based on the probability of finding 23 1's in a random set of
    108 bits. Since this probability cannot change how was the client able to
    significantly cheat the odds to find distinguished points 20% faster than
    expected? Is the recent change in the way the client starts the next point
    after a distinguished point is found responsible for the average iterations
    returning to the original estimate?

    At 1:42 -0700 3/7/2000, Daniel de Rauglaudre wrote:
    ><< Please note: probability estimates have now been revised. Previously
    > they used the approximation that each distinguished point took 1.4
    > billion iterations on average. The actual average is about 1.1 billion
    > currently and is gradually increasing towards 1.4 billion. The revised
    > estimates are more accurate, but a bit lower. >>
    >Our previous estimation or probability was optimistic.

    -- Dan Oetting <>

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