Re: More points were received but the chance to find the solution has decreased?

From: Dan Oetting (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 00:31:46 MET

  • Next message: Dan Oetting: "Re: More points were received but the chance to find the solution has decreased?"

    Forget my previous post:
    >This I find interesting. I assume the initial 1.4 billion iterations
    >estimate was based on
    >the probability of finding 23 1's in a random set of 108 bits. Since this
    >cannot change how was the client able to significantly cheat the odds to
    >find distinguished
    >points 20% faster than expected? Is the recent change in the way the
    >client starts the
    >next point after a distinguished point is found responsible for the
    >average iterations
    >returning to the original estimate?

    I finally figured out what you were saying all along. When a client starts
    out with a new saved.state it will find the first point in an average of
    1.4 billion iterations. But this point will only have been iterated an
    average of 1.4 billion/PARAL or about 44 million times. These first points
    will significantly pull down the overall average of the returned points.
    The missing iterations are still in the saved.state file and will bring the
    average back up in the long run.

    -- Dan Oetting <>

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