Re: Mailed points failing to show up?

From: Daniel de Rauglaudre (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 11:38:30 MET

  • Next message: Nick Kew: "Re: Mailed points failing to show up?"


    > I've had Rob's program running on three machines since December,
    > under a dedicated uid "ecdl". I registered recently, and found
    > only two of the machines showing up in the stats.
    > The third machine is my laptop, and the mail log shows the messages
    > generated by Rob's program being accepted by the inria server.

    I would like to know the name of your laptop, the one you tell ecdl:
    could you send me a couple of examples of points you sent from your
    laptop and which days for these points, please? I can find if your
    points are somewhere in our mail boxes...

    > BTW: the last point is dated Jan 6th. One might almost think it was
    > in an infinite loop!

    Very small probability, almost 0. If there is an infinite loop, we could
    find the result immediately (Rob told me).

    Does your laptop regularly create a file named 'save.state'? What is the
    speed of your laptop? How much time is it switched on during the day?

    Well... looking at all ECC-L2|ecdl@webthing in the email boxes, I find
    125 of them, which is exactly the number of points I see in your page.

    Mmmm... I cannot see where your points can be... I need your examples...

    Daniel de RAUGLAUDRE

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