Re: Mailed points failing to show up?

From: Nick Kew (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 15:45:07 MET

  • Next message: Eric Depagne: "Newer versions?"

    > I would like to know the name of your laptop, the one you tell ecdl:

    I'll send you the dist.points this evening or tomorrow, when I'm on
    the laptop. And I'll change it from mail to alt when I get a round tuit.

    > Does your laptop regularly create a file named 'save.state'? What is the
    > speed of your laptop? How much time is it switched on during the day?

    Yes, it creates the saved-state (last one dated yesterday). It's a
    pentium 233, and benchmarks about as fast as my office machine (jarl)
    with the ecdl program.

    It's actually active rather more time than the office machine, which
    is mostly used for admin and tasks that rely on peripherals.

    > Mmmm... I cannot see where your points can be... I need your examples...
    > Thanks.

    It occurs to me:
      (1) Neither the office machine nor the laptop has a public DNS record.
      (2) The laptop shows successful delivery, but is configured to use
          an ISP's SMTP relay.
      (3) This (office) machine doesn't use an SMTP relay, and got mail
          bounced by inria (probably the antispam).
      (4) If mail from the laptop was being refused, I would expect it to have
          bounced, but perhaps it isn't????

    This message won't bounce, because Pine sets the correct envelope address.
    Rob's ecdl program doesn't. Given that the email is a already
    a commandline parameter to Rob's program, perhaps you should suggest he
    fixes it to call sendmail with -f by default? (works with sendmail
    emulations too - for example, I use qmail, but can call it as
    /usr/lib/sendmail as in Rob's program).

    I don't think a few points from my laptop will make much difference to
    the project, but if they're getting lost, then maybe the same is happening
    to other contributions...


    Nick Kew

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