Re: Mailed points failing to show up?

From: Daniel de Rauglaudre (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 11:16:47 MET

  • Next message: Daniel de Rauglaudre: "Re: Mailed points failing to show up?"


    On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 02:18:53PM +0000, Nick Kew wrote:
    > I've had Rob's program running on three machines since December,
    > under a dedicated uid "ecdl". I registered recently, and found
    > only two of the machines showing up in the stats.
    > (snip)

    For this kind of message, preferably send a message just to me.
    Ok. I look at the problem and I tell you.

    Daniel de RAUGLAUDRE

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