Mailed points failing to show up?

From: Nick Kew (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 15:18:53 MET

  • Next message: Daniel de Rauglaudre: "Re: Mailed points failing to show up?"

    I've had Rob's program running on three machines since December,
    under a dedicated uid "ecdl". I registered recently, and found
    only two of the machines showing up in the stats.

    The third machine is my laptop, and the mail log shows the messages
    generated by Rob's program being accepted by the inria server.

    (1) What gives?
    (2) Should I resubmit as "batch" - though it's only a few points?
    (3) Might it make any difference using the mail address?

    BTW: the last point is dated Jan 6th. One might almost think it was
    in an infinite loop!

    BTW2: Please cc: me in any replies posted to the List (just in case the
    list software strips my Reply-To: header)

    Nick Kew

    We're so advanced here ... our nearest main road is called the A 386

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