Re: Expected itterations between points

From: Dan Oetting (
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 23:22:11 MET

  • Next message: Eric Depagne: "Using a Cray."

    At 22:01 -0700 1/21/2000, Poltergst wrote:
    >I don't think your odd's are 1 in 100, but you have hit a "dry"
    >spot in the search-space.

    If the odds of no point in 10^9 iterations are 1/2 then after 7*10^9
    iterations the odds of not finding a point would be 1/2^7 or 1/128.

    Incidently, I found a point in less that 100 million iterations after I
    send the last post. (Somebody was listening :^)

    -- Dan Oetting <>

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