Using a Cray.

From: Eric Depagne (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 14:05:46 MET

  • Next message: Xavier Leroy: "Re: Altivec version planned ?"


    I might use a Cray, but I've got a little problem.

    When I run a prg on it, I must give him the time I want to use it otherwise it
    has such a small priority, that it doesn't do anything.
    If, for instance, I tell him to run for 7200 secs, after these secs, the
    computer checks to see if it is still running. If the prg still runs, it is
    automatically killed. When a prg has to create output files, first they are not
    real files, and they are written only when the prg is stopped ( which has to
    append before the end of the given time)

    What can I do with ecdl, which is not supposed to stop because when ecdl
    reaches 7200 secs, as it has not stopped, the computer kills it, and ecdl does
    not have time to transfer the files it has created (saved.state, dist.points,
    ecdl.log...) to real files.

    Eric Depagne
    DASGAL - Observatoire de Meudon.

    First they ignore you, then, they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you


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