Re: Altivec version planned ?

From: Dan Oetting (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 19:45:59 MET

  • Next message: John H Lister: "RE: Point Comparison"

    At 12:09 -0700 1/13/2000, Xavier Leroy wrote:
    >> Do you plan to release a specific version that support AltiVec (as
    >> you support MMX) for Macintosh ?
    >We'd love to try an AltiVec version, since the AltiVec 128 bits
    >architecture looks like a very good match for the problem. However,
    >we currently don't have access to any PowerPC G4.
    >If any of the readers of this list has a G4 under Linux or MacOS X
    >and is willing to allow us to "telnet" to that machine, please let us
    >- Xavier Leroy

    I've been looking into the AltiVec implementation. product() should run in
    about 125 clock cycles (plus call overhead) if the branch folding magic of
    the PPC works and I can get everything to schedule right. I'm looking at
    invert() now.

    What is the expected completion time for the project and is there a
    followup project that will be able to use the same code base? I wouldn't
    want to spend too much time optimizing the code if the project will be over
    before I'm done.

    -- Dan Oetting <>

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