Re: Altivec version planned ?

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 20:09:56 MET

  • Next message: Eddie C. Dost: "ecdl2K-108 on UltraSPARC using VIS"

    > Do you plan to release a specific version that support Altivec (as
    > you support MMX) for Macintosh ?

    We'd love to try an Altivec version, since the Altivec 128 bits
    architecture looks like a very good match for the problem. However,
    we currently don't have access to any PowerPC G4.

    If any of the readers of this list has a G4 under Linux or MacOS X
    and is willing to allow us to "telnet" to that machine, please let us

    - Xavier Leroy

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