RE: Could the name of the NT service not have any spaces in it?

From: Brian Gladman (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 21:04:46 MET

  • Next message: Xavier Leroy: "Re: Question on the dist.points file and http mode"

    As Jeff says, we are working on a 1.1.2 release that allows the user to set
    the priority with which the service is run. We can fix the name problem
    while doing this.

    In order to keep the number of releases down, we would be interested to hear
    of any other facilities that people might like in the next release of the
    service version of ecdl.

    I might add that I have looked at the automatic email of results when a user
    goes on-line and this is too difficult to implement reliably. So please
    don't ask for this (unless you can supply all the code to do it!).

        best regards, Brian Gladman

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