RE: Could the name of the NT service not have any spaces in it?

From: Jeff Gilchrist (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 19:57:18 MET

  • Next message: Brian Gladman: "RE: Could the name of the NT service not have any spaces in it?"

    I didn't realise this caused a problem. Brian and I are working on a v1.1.2
    right now with some new features so it shouldn't be a problem to remove the
    spaces. I guess using underscore would work right?

    In the mean time, have you tried using single quotes?

    at 1:00 "net start 'ECDL2K-108 Service Client'"

    I have no idea if that will work or not.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 1:42 PM
    Subject: Could the name of the NT service not have any spaces in it?

    Because of the syntax of the NT scheduler command, you cannot schedule a
    which has a name with spaces in it. The scheduler command should look

    at 1:00 "net start "ECDL2K-108 Service Client""

    but the scheduler barfs on the double quote, and I can't figure out a way to
    escape the quote sign. With only a single-word service name you can just

    at 1:00 "net start ESC"

    This is just a suggestion for the next release, and, yes, I am too lasy to
    it and compile it myself.

    Joel Jirak

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