"IDEAL" client program

From: Mikhail N. Volkov (root@cron.khv.ru)
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 13:11:44 MET


We have a local network of PC's running under different Windows .
I tried all ports of client software, but unfortunately, they are not easy to use. So I have some thoughts about it I'd like to share.

We have dial-up connection (some friends of mine do not have any connection to I-net,
and they bring me dist.points on 3,5'' floppies to send them to server).

I think, the best example of client is one of Distributed.net . Some features, that make my life more comfortable:

- sharing buffer files ("dist.points") on server - it saves much time, there's no need for manually collecting files on a number of computers)

- running as windowsXX service ( hidden or as tray icon, not in the bar - some users may be confused when they see it in the bar);

- running at lowest priority - most of users run office software, that does not need much CPU time, but sometimes windows performs badly (especially when running 16-bit applications or smth. in dos boxes).

- possibility of manually sending buffers via HTTP when you are at dial-up connection ( it is "dnetc -flush " feature), so you do not need to make e-mail message.

- your distribution package must include all necessary files (Gladman ports are not working without some dll file).

And last - pls.., make several types of distribution packages - e.g.. when I've run Cygwin ver 1.1.0 self-installer,
it made new program group, added some shortcuts to it...- and I had to delete 'em manually.

Why not making zipped archive for "advanced" users and self-installer for others?

I understand, that implementing all this features will take much time. But when your client software will be user-friendly,
you will be able to increase the number of participants.

            Mikhail Volkov.

P.S. What about making project logo? It will be perfect to put it on web page and refer from it.

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