Re: "IDEAL" client program

From: Mary Beth Wirtz Osiecki (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 15:03:30 MET

Actually I like the e-mail idea, I just wish it were easier. The OGR-22
and -23 efforts had a feature that made it very easy to e-mail them with
results. A *button* on their web page and a place to put the file name.

Now it would be nice to get an acknowledgement to the e-mail instead of
having to look up your stats to verify that your effort was credited.
This could be done with a daemon.
"Mikhail N. Volkov" wrote:

> - possibility of manually sending buffers via HTTP when you are at
> dial-up connection ( it is "dnetc -flush " feature), so you do not
> need to make e-mail message.

The problem that I have with this feature is that it deletes the results
after you send them. On a number of occasions DNet has lost my
results. If there were a backup copy, as in this effort, then days of
effort would not be lost.

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