Re: "IDEAL" client program

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 16:48:48 MET

Mikhail writes:

> I think, the best example of client is one of . Some
> features, that make my life more comfortable:
> - sharing buffer files ("dist.points") on server - it saves much
> time, there's no need for manually collecting files on a number of
> computers)

We could do that by running all the clients with the same working
directory, which is on a shared network disk. We'd need to add
lcoking around writes to the dist.points file (should be easy -- I'll
look at what locking facilities Cygwin provides) and have clients
use different saved.state files.

> - running as windowsXX service ( hidden or as tray icon, not in the
> bar - some users may be confused when they see it in the bar);

We've discussed that at length in this list. It's not obvious how to
do this, especially without writing a full-fledged Windows application
(something I'd rather not do, thanks).

> - running at lowest priority - most of users run office software,
> that does not need much CPU time, but sometimes windows performs
> badly (especially when running 16-bit applications or smth. in dos
> boxes).

The Cygwin client already runs at lowest priority (IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS
or whatever). Short of dumping Windows and installing an OS with a
real scheduler, I don't know what more to do!

> - possibility of manually sending buffers via HTTP when you are at
> dial-up connection ( it is "dnetc -flush " feature), so you do not
> need to make e-mail message.

See below.

> - your distribution package must include all necessary files
> (Gladman ports are not working without some dll file).

The Cygwin one does.

> And last - pls.., make several types of distribution packages -
> e.g.. when I've run Cygwin ver 1.1.0 self-installer, it made new
> program group, added some shortcuts to it...- and I had to delete
> 'em manually. Why not making zipped archive for "advanced" users
> and self-installer for others?

No problem. I'll send Rob a ZIP archive.

> P.S. What about making project logo? It will be perfect to put it on
> web page and refer from it.

We aren't much of graphics designers, but all contributions are

Mary writes:

> Actually I like the e-mail idea, I just wish it were easier. The
> OGR-22 and -23 efforts had a feature that made it very easy to e-mail
> them with results. A *button* on their web page and a place to put
> the file name.

Interesting idea. I'm pretty sure we can do that too. Let me give it
a try.

- Xavier Leroy

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