Performance on the long run

From: Patrick Vigneras (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 05:22:38 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: more performance questions"

    Hello people

    I noticed lately something amazing: i'm running v1.1.0 mmx on a red hat 6.1
    and on the last few days, there was a big slowdown on generated points, even
    though the
    rate was unchanged (about 88k/s) as well as the number of iterations used
    iterations was about 2.3e+11 but does it matter ?).

    I stopped the program, restarted it , the rate is unchanged, the number of
    used for each distinguished point looks pretty much constant, but the actual
    generation of distinguished points is back to a regular pace.

    Anyway, beside this, ecdl ran about 35 days in a row without glitches. Good
    job guys.


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