Re: 64 bits on HP PA, anyone ?

From: Tobias Bergmann (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 17:06:57 MET

  • Next message: Philippe Deschamp: "Re: 64 bits on HP PA, anyone ?"


    > Would anyone care to share with me his 64bits binaries for HPPA ?

    I asked the same question some time ago and got a kind reply from Do Jong

    He gave me a compiled version for HPUX 11 which you may download from my

    Unfortunately that binary didn't work on the HPUX 10.20 system I'm working
    on but why should it. :-\

    He also gave the compile options:
    cc +DA2.0W +O3 +Oaggressive +Odataprefetch ecdl2K-108.64bit.c -o xxx

    Bye for now

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