64 bits on HP PA, anyone ?

From: Philippe Deschamp (Philippe.Deschamp@inria.fr)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 16:17:17 MET

  • Next message: Tobias Bergmann: "Re: 64 bits on HP PA, anyone ?"

    Hello all you happy contributors !

    I use a bunch of HP machines, from an HP9000-715 PA7000 75MHz to a
    biprocessor HP9000-785 PA8500 440MHz.
    Unfortunately, I have no tool to compile the 64 bits version of ecdl2K,
    so some of those machines do not give the best of themselves.

    Would anyone care to share with me his 64bits binaries for HPPA ?

    Philippe Deschamp.                  In medio stat virtus

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