
From: Benoit Sibaud (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 12:04:35 MET

  • Next message: Philippe Deschamp: "64 bits on HP PA, anyone ?"


    my own stats are
                        Found Tried
    [PII Linux] : 301/ 6506 (4.63%)
    [Solaris UltraSparc]: 144/ 3125 (4.61%)
    [Solaris UltraSparc]: 124/ 2655 (4.67%)
    [Solaris Sparc]: 26/ 636 (4.09%)
    Total : 595/ 12922 (4.60%)

    so I suspect the probability to find a distinguish point is ~4.6% .
    Can anybody confirm this?

    It can be used to compute real time spend on ECDL.

    Benoit Sibaud
    R&D Engineer - France Telecom/Cnet/DAC/OAT
    "Man is the only animal that blushes -- or needs to."  -- Mark Twain

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