Ram disk and saved.state

From: Dan Oetting (oetting@gldmutt.cr.usgs.gov)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 21:49:43 MET

  • Next message: Chuck and Angey Werninger: "Recorded Points Discrepancy"

    It finally happened!

    I got home the other day and my PowerBook was powered off. I don't know the
    cause but the result is that the saved.state file stored on the ram disk
    was lost. I had a backup of the saved.state file from the day before so my
    dilemma was: restore the old saved.state file and repeat the last 24+ hours
    of work (about 1.5*10^9 iterations and 1 found point) or start from scratch
    with a new series of points.

    I estimated that the saved.state file represents an average of 32*10^9
    iterations or about 4 weeks of crunching. I decided to restore the old
    saved.state on the assumption that after I finish repeating the lost work
    the subsequent found points I find will be more valuable and after about 3
    days I will have improved my odds of delivering a matching point even
    though I will always be about 1 found point behind. The only way I can
    loose is if a match is found in the next 2 days.

    Despite the hazard, I'll still keep the saved.state file on the ram disk
    because if I had to listen to the disk ticking all day I would not be
    running the ECDL client.

    -- Dan Oetting <oetting@ghtmail.cr.usgs.gov>

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