Recorded Points Discrepancy

From: Chuck and Angey Werninger (
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 02:41:32 MET

  • Next message: Vincent Goffin: "a star is born"

    I have been sending in points nearly every day since about mid-December but
    have recently been not getting credited for all of the points I send in. I
    know that there is often a 15+ minute delay before they show up but am now
    wondering if something is wrong. I sent in 24 points about an hour ago but
    have only gotten credit for 14. Does it just take a little longer now that
    we're getting a lot of involvement or am I possibly finding a few points
    that have already been found? If the mail filter is checking them, as we
    record more and more, I realize that the likelihood of that occurring will
    grow. On the other hand, should I throw away my saved.state files and start
    over (I think that would be bad n'est-ce pas?)

    Thanks again,


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