Re: Ram disk and saved.state

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 14:58:28 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Recorded Points Discrepancy"

    Dan Oetting wrote:
    >I estimated that the saved.state file represents an average of 32*10^9
    >iterations or about 4 weeks of crunching.

    The value of the saved state file rises from nil, for a new one, to
    about PARAL/2 points, after a week or two (depending on the speed of
    the machine). This corresponds to about 22*10^9 iterations i.e., a
    little lower than your estimate.

    >I decided to restore the old saved.state on the assumption that after
    >I finish repeating the lost work the subsequent found points I find
    >will be more valuable [...]

    Yep, that was the right decision.


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