Re: 128 bit MMX

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 23:53:50 MET

  • Next message: Chuck and Angey Werninger: "Networked Computers"

    Robert Harley writes:
    > Eugene Leitl ( wrote:
    > >I haven't read the source. Can somebody tell me how much ecdl would
    > >profit from 128 bit MMX?
    > I'm not sure what you mean by "128 bit MMX"!
    It was a pretty wide shot. I might be getting a PSX2 (Playstation 2)
    dev kit sometime soon, and we're at Wulfstation project were looking
    around for a demo app. (Now there are OpenSource issues with Sony,
    which might endanger the whole project, but we don't have definitive
    information yet).
    > Xavier and I looked into the possibility of using SSE instructions,
    > a.k.a. KNI. Xavier patched a Linux kernel to allow the instructions

    Ah, Intel's answer to 3D Now!.

    > to be used and I wrote some code to do the ECDL arithmetic operations
    > with them.

    Are you aware of this thingy here?
    Though not yet publicly available, you can access SWARC via a web
    front end.
    > There are 8 registers with 128 bits but most of the operations treat
    > them as 4 floats, which is no use! There are load and store
    > instructions of course and logical instructions (AND, XOR) but there
    > are no shifts. =:-( This is a problem but it is still possible to do a
    > bit-parallel ECDL implementation without them.
    > Unfortunately the SSE operations seem to take twice as long as their
    > MMX equivalents. Apparently all the 128-bit operations are broken
    > down into two 64-bit operations. From some preliminary testing and
    > timing runs, it didn't seem likely that we could gain any extra speed
    > over MMX.
    > On the other hand, Dan Oetting has been working on an Altivec version
    > for PowerPC G4 processors. There are 32 registers with 128 bits and
    > all the operations we need, including shifts, are available. It looks
    > like this will produce a speed up, although it is not quite ready yet.

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