Re: 128 bit MMX

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 12:40:51 MET

  • Next message: Dan Oetting: "Re: 128 bit MMX\XMM\AltiVec"

    Eugene Leitl ( wrote:
    >I haven't read the source. Can somebody tell me how much ecdl would
    >profit from 128 bit MMX?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "128 bit MMX"!

    Xavier and I looked into the possibility of using SSE instructions,
    a.k.a. KNI. Xavier patched a Linux kernel to allow the instructions
    to be used and I wrote some code to do the ECDL arithmetic operations
    with them.

    There are 8 registers with 128 bits but most of the operations treat
    them as 4 floats, which is no use! There are load and store
    instructions of course and logical instructions (AND, XOR) but there
    are no shifts. =:-( This is a problem but it is still possible to do a
    bit-parallel ECDL implementation without them.

    Unfortunately the SSE operations seem to take twice as long as their
    MMX equivalents. Apparently all the 128-bit operations are broken
    down into two 64-bit operations. From some preliminary testing and
    timing runs, it didn't seem likely that we could gain any extra speed
    over MMX.

    On the other hand, Dan Oetting has been working on an Altivec version
    for PowerPC G4 processors. There are 32 registers with 128 bits and
    all the operations we need, including shifts, are available. It looks
    like this will produce a speed up, although it is not quite ready yet.


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