Expected itterations between points

From: Dan Oetting (oetting@gldmutt.cr.usgs.gov)
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 01:44:28 MET

  • Next message: Poltergst: "Expected itterations between points"

    I haven't found a new point in days (over 7,000,000,000 iterations). I
    realize the odds against this are only a little over 100 to 1 so a dry
    spell of this length is going to hit somebody every 100+ points. But why
    did it have to hit me :-(

    I was just thinking it might be interesting to have a chart showing the
    iterations for points found in comparison to the projected probabilities.

    -- Dan Oetting <oetting@ghtmail.cr.usgs.gov>

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