Re: ecdl2K-108 on UltraSPARC using VIS

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 14:39:44 MET

  • Next message: Laurent Desnogues: "Re: ecdl2K-108 on UltraSPARC using VIS"

    > I would like to port the ecdl2K-108 program to my Ultras running Linux.
    > I want to use the MMX like VIS instructions special to UltraSPARCs.

    VIS gives you 64-bit registers, but not all the operations you need
    for ECDL (if I remember correctly, and/or/not/xor are provided, but no
    shifts). It is possible to work around the lack of shift operations
    by recoding all algorithms in the "bit-parallel" style, but it's a
    huge amount of work.

    Besides, isn't it the case that all UltraSPARCs are SPARC V9
    compliant, i.e. already have 64-bit general-purpose registers and
    64-bit integer operations? If so, just compiling the 64-bit ECDL
    client will give excellent performance already without the VIS stuff.

    > How do I verify correctness of the port, is there any test data I could
    > use for this?

    In "test" mode, the client always starts from the same point, hence
    the pseudo-distinguished points it prints should be the same for all ports
    (provided they use the same PARAL factor).

    - Xavier Leroy

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