Three short notes

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 18:48:08 MET

  • Next message: Simpson, Sam: "Winnt ate my clock cycles?"

    1. Bill Kuhlman wondered why points he sent were not being registered.
       They were arriving with email address ""!

       Sometimes you might notice the counts changing (slightly) in
       unexpected ways. This happens when we manually fix up broken points
       so that our scripts can recognise them. Then they suddenly appear in
       the daily count for the day they first arrived. If they had been sent
       a second time and were appearing in the count for a later day, then
       the latter disappear! The total statys constant or increases, though.

    2. There is a new Irix binary, compiled from the 64-bit version with
       `long long's, thanks to Thor Lancelot Simon. You can use this 64-bit
       version even in the n32 environment.

    3. Xavier put a table of speeds observed here:


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