Winnt ate my clock cycles?

From: Simpson, Sam (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 18:53:53 MET

  • Next message: John H Lister: "The graphs seem to be broken"

    (I've just seen Robs note, but I guess this still may be of interest. Sod
    it, I've typed it so I'll send it :)

    Hi all!

    First message to this list, so please excuse me if this is a F-A-Q (though
    I've checked the list archives and it's not apparent).

    Speed on an idle Compaq 1600 2xPii 300Mhz w/512Mb RAM:
      Linux (2.2.5-15): Running the precompiled x86 MMX enabled code
    = ~90k per second per CPU
      Winnt Server (v4 sp6): Running B.Gladmans MMX enhanced code
    = ~74k per second per CPU
      Winnt Terminal Server (v4 sp5): Running B.Gladmans MMX enhanced code
    = ~74k per second per CPU

    (some other misc figures:
      Speed on a Dell 1300 2xPii 450Mhz w/512Mb RAM:
        Winnt Terminal Server (v4 sp5): Running B.Gladmans MMX enhanced code
    = ~111k per second per CPU
      Speed on a Dell 1300 2xPii 500Mhz w/512Mb RAM:
        Winnt Terminal Server (v4 sp5): Running B.Gladmans MMX enhanced code
    = ~123.5k per second per CPU)

    I know that NT has an overhead - but goddamn! I wish that all my servers
    were running Linux :( Any other comparison with OS/CPU combinations

    Any comments?


    Sam Simpson
    Communications Analyst
    -- for ScramDisk hard-drive encryption &
    Delphi Crypto Components. PGP Keys available at the same site.

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