Re:- Re: Question on the dist.points file and http mode

From: CIWS (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 23:10:42 MET

  • Next message: "Could the name of the NT service not have any spaces in it?"


           Thanks for the quick response on my question and benchmark
    listing you had. It helps give me an idea where my machines are running
    in iterations. Incase you may be interested, here's how mine are doing.
    All of them are running windows port Cygwin32.

        Athlon 600 @ 600 181,041 Cygwin32 ver 1.0.2 under
    Win2000 RC2

       Athlon 500 @ 720 218,131 same as above

       Athlon 500 @ 500 150,014 same as above

       Pentium 3 500 @ 500 140,417 (sorry Intel ;) same as

                 Thanks again Jeff.


            Re: Question on the dist.points file and http mode
       Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 15:37:01 -0500
       From: "Jeff Gilchrist" <>
         To: <>

    The program is functioning the way it is suppose to.

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