Question on the dist.points file and http mode

From: CIWS (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 19:38:05 MET

  • Next message: Agent Drek: "irix client"


    I have the Windows port Cygwin ver running on my PC's with them set to
    "http" mode to transfer the distiguished points and most all of my
    points are reaching you (as far as I know ;). Q: There is still a
    file being generated in my folder named dist.points. Does this file
    contain points that need to be e-mailed to you or is this just the
    program functioning as written ? Also, incase I've missed it, is
    there anywhere on the site that lists the iteration speed (s) of the
    various types of machines working on this project ? Thanks in advance.

                                                              CIWS on
    N.A.P.L.M. Weather Team

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