(no subject)

From: vgoffin@att.net
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 19:36:42 MET

  • Next message: Brian Gladman: "Bug - ECD As a Service"

    I also had this problem with the Windows port on my K6-2
    450. After I reclocked the CPU to 400mhz, the problem
    went away. (I find that AMD chips are frequently shaky
    at their promoted clock speeds, and only perform
    consistantly under ideal conditions.)

    You may also wish to under-clock your CPU, which usually
    requires changing motherboard jumpers. There are
    hundreds of web sites about overclocking - you can
    follow those instructions, but change the multiplier to
    be lower instead of higher (450->400: you would change
    from 4.5x to 4x).

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sun Jan 02 2000 - 19:38:25 MET