Fatal error: *** bad point detected! ***

From: Bernockle Hebber (bernockle@postman.net)
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 16:34:50 MET

  • Next message: vgoffin@att.net: "(no subject)"


    I received this message in my log file, and the ecdl process terminated:

    Fatal error: *** bad point detected! ***

    Program ID:

    "This is Rob's ECDL program for Unix32, version 1.1.0 MMX"

    running on an AMD-450 under linux, kernel 2.2.12-20.

    What's up with this? I can supply the saved.state file if that would help.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sun Jan 02 2000 - 16:35:07 MET