Re: "NICE" client behavior

From: Mary Beth Wirtz Osiecki (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 00:08:32 MET

The Cygwin client does run *nice*, however the Gladman port that I have
been trying to benchmark does not. It doesn't interfere with critical
services but it does demand and get 80% of the CPU which I find
unacceptable behaviour in a background task.

By the way, everyone badmouths Windows scheduling, but I have found that
it does have about 8 levels that work. I'm basing this on running DNet
client with it's 10 levels of priority. (0 to 9) for a day at a time and
checking what %CPU it gets and how well everything works. At 9 everything
works but my WinModem seems to have more problems. 8 gets the same %CPU and
shows no ill effects. I've run all sorts of apps 32-bit, 16-bit, even DOS
without a problem. This is both under W95 and W98.

Xavier Leroy wrote:

> Mikhail writes:
> > - running at lowest priority - most of users run office software,
> > that does not need much CPU time, but sometimes windows performs
> > badly (especially when running 16-bit applications or smth. in dos
> > boxes).
> The Cygwin client already runs at lowest priority (IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS
> or whatever). Short of dumping Windows and installing an OS with a
> real scheduler, I don't know what more to do!
> - Xavier Leroy

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