Re: No new point in 15H of comput.

From: Daniel de Rauglaudre (
Date: Sun Dec 19 1999 - 16:58:59 MET

> > 15 hours? That's nothing! One of my machines worked *10 days* before
> > hitting a distinguished point. Granted, that's an old Sparc 10 that
> > delivers only 6500 points per second, but still...
> My machine is ten time faster than this one so 10 days is one for me

Don't worry. Wait for several days...

> > At the other
> > extreme, another of my machines found two distinguished points in the
> > same minute. Now, I just relax and trust the laws of probabilities
> > to smooth everything out.
> Do you meen that there is no limit to number of iteration we need to
> find a distinguished point ?

No limit indeed. But the chance of a so bad luck is very low.


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