Re: No new point in 15H of comput.

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Sun Dec 19 1999 - 17:21:25 MET

>I'm suprise since in 30 hours at a rate of 60000 iterations/second I
>make 6.48e+09 iterations and the field 'iterations used' show only
>But the field 'iterations total' show 7.08757e+09 witch is ok since it's
>only my second point.

Yep, this is normal. There are really 32 chains of iterations going
on in parallel and each of them throws up a distinguished point from
time to time.

When the program reports 233 million iterations used, that is for the
distinguished point that it just found on one of the chains. But the
other 31 chains were all doing iterations at the same time.

Hope this helps,

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