Re: Best configuration for lab?

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Sun Dec 12 1999 - 19:03:06 MET

> Is it possible to have a unique .bat file for each machine but have a
> central dist.points file say on a fileserver? I probably would want all the
> windows/mac machines reporting to a single file if possible.

Under Windows, you could in principle do it by using Cygwin's symbolic
links to link the dist.points files on every machine to a shared file
on the server. However, there is a danger of garbled output if two or
more ECDL processes write to the file simultaneously.

> Any ideas? or should I just have them report via http?

You could put all the files on the shared network disk, as follows:

        <subdir for machine 1>
                run-ecdl.bat <edited so as to run ..\ecdl-mmx.exe>
        <subdir for machine 2>
                (same files as for machine 1)

This way, all the dist.points files can be consulted and moved around
from any machine.

This said, http mode is a lot less hassle if your machines are
permanently connected to the Internet.

> On another note, everytime I run the Windows program, a DOS window pops
> up....any possibility of developing something that will minimize to the
> systray as to not be so obvious or intrusive? I don't want people closing
> DOS windows while the program is running.

This seems to require turning the ECDL program into a full-fledged
Windows application -- it's beyond my Windows programming abilities,
but maybe someone with the required knowledge will do it.

I thought it was possible to change the properties of a batch file so
that it would always start as a minimized DOS box, but I couldn't find

- Xavier Leroy

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