Best configuration for lab?

From: B.K. DeLong (
Date: Sun Dec 12 1999 - 16:06:32 MET

Hi all-

Sometime this week I am going to try to get to my wife's lab at MIT (she's
a sysadmin), and install the ECDL Windows binary on it. She also has an HP,
an SGI, Sun and Macs. They're all connected, but I like to do batch
reporting becase it allows me a little more control and provides knowledge
of what's going on.

Is it possible to have a unique .bat file for each machine but have a
central dist.points file say on a fileserver? I probably would want all the
windows/mac machines reporting to a single file if possible.

Any ideas? or should I just have them report via http?

On another note, everytime I run the Windows program, a DOS window pops
up....any possibility of developing something that will minimize to the
systray as to not be so obvious or intrusive? I don't want people closing
DOS windows while the program is running.

Thanks in advance.

B.K. DeLong 
Research Lead
ZOT Group                 


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