2 Description of the MIPS R2000

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2 Description of the MIPS R2000


Figure 2: MIPS R2000 CPU and FPU

A MIPS processor consists of an integer processing unit (the CPU) and a collection of coprocessors that perform ancillary tasks or operate on other types of data such as floating point numbers (see Figure 2). SPIM simulates two coprocessors. Coprocessor 0 handles traps, exceptions, and the virtual memory system. SPIM simulates most of the first two and entirely omits details of the memory system. Coprocessor 1 is the floating point unit. SPIM simulates most aspects of this unit.

2.1 CPU Registers

Table: MIPS registers and the convention governing their use.

The MIPS (and SPIM) central processing unit contains 32 general purpose registers that are numbered 0-31. Register is designated by $n. Register $0 always contains the hardwired value 0. MIPS has established a set of conventions as to how registers should be used. These suggestions are guidelines, which are not enforced by the hardware. However a program that violates them will not work properly with other software. Table 2 lists the registers and describes their intended use.

Registers $at (1), $k0 (26), and $k1 (27) are reserved for use by the assembler and operating system.

Registers $a0-$a3 (4-7) are used to pass the first four arguments to routines (remaining arguments are passed on the stack). Registers $v0 and $v1 (2, 3) are used to return values from functions. Registers $t0-$t9 (8-15, 24, 25) are caller-saved registers used for temporary quantities that do not need to be preserved across calls. Registers $s0-$s7 (16-23) are callee-saved registers that hold long-lived values that should be preserved across calls.

Register $sp (29) is the stack pointer, which points to the first free location on the stack. Register $fp (30) is the frame pointer.[+] Register $ra (31) is written with the return address for a call by the jal instruction.

Register $gp (28) is a global pointer that points into the middle of a 64K block of memory in the heap that holds constants and global variables. The objects in this heap can be quickly accessed with a single load or store instruction.

In addition, coprocessor 0 contains registers that are useful to handle exceptions. SPIM does not implement all of these registers, since they are not of much use in a simulator or are part of the memory system, which is not implemented. However, it does provide the following:

These registers are part of coprocessor 0's register set and are accessed by the lwc0, mfc0, mtc0, and swc0 instructions.

Figure: The Status register.

Figure: The Cause register.

Figure 3 describes the bits in the Status register that are implemented by SPIM. The interrupt mask contains a bit for each of the five interrupt levels. If a bit is one, interrupts at that level are allowed. If the bit is zero, interrupts at that level are disabled. The low six bits of the Status register implement a three-level stack for the kernel/user and interrupt enable bits. The kernel/user bit is 0 if the program was running in the kernel when the interrupt occurred and 1 if it was in user mode. If the interrupt enable bit is 1, interrupts are allowed. If it is 0, they are disabled. At an interrupt, these six bits are shifted left by two bits, so the current bits become the previous bits and the previous bits become the old bits. The current bits are both set to 0 (i.e., kernel mode with interrupts disabled).

Figure 4 describes the bits in the Cause registers. The five pending interrupt bits correspond to the five interrupt levels. A bit becomes 1 when an interrupt at its level has occurred but has not been serviced. The exception code register contains a code from the following table describing the cause of an exception.

2.2 Byte Order

Processors can number the bytes within a word to make the byte with the lowest number either the leftmost or rightmost one. The convention used by a machine is its byte order. MIPS processors can operate with either big-endian byte order:

or little-endian byte order:

SPIM operates with both byte orders. SPIM's byte order is determined by the byte order of the underlying hardware running the simulator. On a DECstation 3100, SPIM is little-endian, while on a HP Bobcat, Sun 4 or PC/RT, SPIM is big-endian.

2.3 Addressing Modes

MIPS is a load/store architecture, which means that only load and store instructions access memory. Computation instructions operate only on values in registers. The bare machine provides only one memory addressing mode: c(rx), which uses the sum of the immediate (integer) c and the contents of register rx as the address. The virtual machine provides the following addressing modes for load and store instructions:

Most load and store instructions operate only on aligned data. A quantity is aligned if its memory address is a multiple of its size in bytes. Therefore, a halfword object must be stored at even addresses and a full word object must be stored at addresses that are a multiple of 4. However, MIPS provides some instructions for manipulating unaligned data.

2.4 Arithmetic and Logical Instructions

In all instructions below, Src2 can either be a register or an immediate value (a 16 bit integer). The immediate forms of the instructions are only included for reference. The assembler will translate the more general form of an instruction (e.g., add) into the immediate form (e.g., addi) if the second argument is constant.

abs Rdest, Rsrc
Absolute Value
Put the absolute value of the integer from register Rsrc in register Rdest.

add Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Addition (with overflow)

addi Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
Addition Immediate (with overflow)

addu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Addition (without overflow)

addiu Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
Addition Immediate (without overflow)
Put the sum of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

and Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2

andi Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
AND Immediate
Put the logical AND of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

div Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Divide (signed)

divu Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Divide (unsigned)
Divide the contents of the two registers. divu treats its operands as unsigned values. Leave the quotient in register lo and the remainder in register hi. Note that if an operand is negative, the remainder is unspecified by the MIPS architecture and depends on the conventions of the machine on which SPIM is run.

div Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Divide (signed, with overflow)

divu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Divide (unsigned, without overflow)
Put the quotient of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest. divu treats its operands as unsigned values.

mul Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Multiply (without overflow)

mulo Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Multiply (with overflow)

mulou Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Unsigned Multiply (with overflow)
Put the product of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

mult Rsrc1, Rsrc2

multu Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Unsigned Multiply
Multiply the contents of the two registers. Leave the low-order word of the product in register lo and the high-word in register hi.

neg Rdest, Rsrc
Negate Value (with overflow)

negu Rdest, Rsrc
Negate Value (without overflow)
Put the negative of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest.

nor Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Put the logical NOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

not Rdest, Rsrc
Put the bitwise logical negation of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest.

or Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2

ori Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
OR Immediate
Put the logical OR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

rem Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2

remu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Unsigned Remainder
Put the remainder from dividing the integer in register Rsrc1 by the integer in Src2 into register Rdest. Note that if an operand is negative, the remainder is unspecified by the MIPS architecture and depends on the conventions of the machine on which SPIM is run.

rol Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Rotate Left

ror Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Rotate Right
Rotate the contents of register Rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by Src2 and put the result in register Rdest.

sll Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Shift Left Logical

sllv Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Shift Left Logical Variable

sra Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Shift Right Arithmetic

srav Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Shift Right Arithmetic Variable

srl Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Shift Right Logical

srlv Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Shift Right Logical Variable
Shift the contents of register Rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by Src2 (Rsrc2) and put the result in register Rdest.

sub Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Subtract (with overflow)

subu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Subtract (without overflow)
Put the difference of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

xor Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2

xori Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
XOR Immediate
Put the logical XOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

2.5 Constant-Manipulating Instructions

li Rdest, imm
Load Immediate
Move the immediate imm into register Rdest.

lui Rdest, imm
Load Upper Immediate
Load the lower halfword of the immediate imm into the upper halfword of register Rdest. The lower bits of the register are set to 0.

2.6 Comparison Instructions

In all instructions below, Src2 can either be a register or an immediate value (a 16 bit integer).

seq Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Equal
Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 equals Src2 and to be 0 otherwise.

sge Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Greater Than Equal

sgeu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Greater Than Equal Unsigned
Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 is greater than or equal to Src2 and to 0 otherwise.

sgt Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Greater Than

sgtu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Greater Than Unsigned
Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 is greater than Src2 and to 0 otherwise.

sle Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Less Than Equal

sleu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Less Than Equal Unsigned
Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 is less than or equal to Src2 and to 0 otherwise.

slt Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Less Than

slti Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
Set Less Than Immediate

sltu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2
Set Less Than Unsigned

sltiu Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm
Set Less Than Unsigned Immediate
Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 is less than Src2 (or Imm) and to 0 otherwise.

sne Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2

Set Not Equal
Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 is not equal to Src2 and to 0 otherwise.

2.7 Branch and Jump Instructions

In all instructions below, Src2 can either be a register or an immediate value (integer). Branch instructions use a signed 16-bit offset field; hence they can jump instructions (not bytes) forward or instructions backwards. The jump instruction contains a 26 bit address field.

b label
Branch instruction
Unconditionally branch to the instruction at the label.

bczt label
Branch Coprocessor True

bczf label
Branch Coprocessor False
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if coprocessor 's condition flag is true (false).

beq Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Equal
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 equals Src2.

beqz Rsrc, label
Branch on Equal Zero
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc equals 0.

bge Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Greater Than Equal

bgeu Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on GTE Unsigned
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 are greater than or equal to Src2.

bgez Rsrc, label
Branch on Greater Than Equal Zero
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are greater than or equal to 0.

bgezal Rsrc, label
Branch on Greater Than Equal Zero And Link
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are greater than or equal to 0. Save the address of the next instruction in register 31.

bgt Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Greater Than

bgtu Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Greater Than Unsigned
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 are greater than Src2.

bgtz Rsrc, label
Branch on Greater Than Zero
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are greater than 0.

ble Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Less Than Equal

bleu Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on LTE Unsigned
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 are less than or equal to Src2.

blez Rsrc, label
Branch on Less Than Equal Zero
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are less than or equal to 0.

bgezal Rsrc, label
Branch on Greater Than Equal Zero And Link

bltzal Rsrc, label
Branch on Less Than And Link
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are greater or equal to 0 or less than 0, respectively. Save the address of the next instruction in register 31.

blt Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Less Than

bltu Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Less Than Unsigned
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 are less than Src2.

bltz Rsrc, label
Branch on Less Than Zero
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are less than 0.

bne Rsrc1, Src2, label
Branch on Not Equal
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 are not equal to Src2.

bnez Rsrc, label
Branch on Not Equal Zero
Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc are not equal to 0.

j label
Unconditionally jump to the instruction at the label.

jal label
Jump and Link

jalr Rsrc
Jump and Link Register
Unconditionally jump to the instruction at the label or whose address is in register Rsrc. Save the address of the next instruction in register 31.

jr Rsrc

Jump Register
Unconditionally jump to the instruction whose address is in register Rsrc.

2.8 Load Instructions

la Rdest, address
Load Address
Load computed address, not the contents of the location, into register Rdest.

lb Rdest, address
Load Byte

lbu Rdest, address
Load Unsigned Byte
Load the byte at address into register Rdest. The byte is sign-extended by the lb, but not the lbu, instruction.

ld Rdest, address
Load Double-Word
Load the 64-bit quantity at address into registers Rdest and Rdest + 1.

lh Rdest, address
Load Halfword

lhu Rdest, address
Load Unsigned Halfword
Load the 16-bit quantity (halfword) at address into register Rdest. The halfword is sign-extended by the lh, but not the lhu, instruction

lw Rdest, address

Load Word
Load the 32-bit quantity (word) at address into register Rdest.

lwcz Rdest, address
Load Word Coprocessor
Load the word at address into register Rdest of coprocessor (0-3).

lwl Rdest, address
Load Word Left

lwr Rdest, address
Load Word Right
Load the left (right) bytes from the word at the possibly-unaligned address into register Rdest.

ulh Rdest, address
Unaligned Load Halfword

ulhu Rdest, address
Unaligned Load Halfword Unsigned
Load the 16-bit quantity (halfword) at the possibly-unaligned address into register Rdest. The halfword is sign-extended by the ulh, but not the ulhu, instruction

ulw Rdest, address
Unaligned Load Word
Load the 32-bit quantity (word) at the possibly-unaligned address into register Rdest.

2.9 Store Instructions

sb Rsrc, address
Store Byte
Store the low byte from register Rsrc at address.

sd Rsrc, address
Store Double-Word
Store the 64-bit quantity in registers Rsrc and Rsrc + 1 at address.

sh Rsrc, address
Store Halfword
Store the low halfword from register Rsrc at address.

sw Rsrc, address
Store Word
Store the word from register Rsrc at address.

swcz Rsrc, address
Store Word Coprocessor
Store the word from register Rsrc of coprocessor at address.

swl Rsrc, address
Store Word Left swr Rsrc, address
Store Word Right
Store the left (right) bytes from register Rsrc at the possibly-unaligned address.

ush Rsrc, address
Unaligned Store Halfword
Store the low halfword from register Rsrc at the possibly-unaligned address.

usw Rsrc, address
Unaligned Store Word
Store the word from register Rsrc at the possibly-unaligned address.

2.10 Data Movement Instructions

move Rdest, Rsrc
Move the contents of Rsrc to Rdest.

The multiply and divide unit produces its result in two additional registers, hi and lo. These instructions move values to and from these registers. The multiply, divide, and remainder instructions described above are pseudoinstructions that make it appear as if this unit operates on the general registers and detect error conditions such as divide by zero or overflow.

mfhi Rdest
Move From hi

mflo Rdest
Move From lo
Move the contents of the hi (lo) register to register Rdest.

mthi Rdest
Move To hi

mtlo Rdest
Move To lo
Move the contents register Rdest to the hi (lo) register.

Coprocessors have their own register sets. These instructions move values between these registers and the CPU's registers.

mfcz Rdest, CPsrc
Move From Coprocessor
Move the contents of coprocessor 's register CPsrc to CPU register Rdest.

mfc1.d Rdest, FRsrc1
Move Double From Coprocessor 1
Move the contents of floating point registers FRsrc1 and FRsrc1 + 1 to CPU registers Rdest and Rdest + 1.

mtcz Rsrc, CPdest
Move To Coprocessor
Move the contents of CPU register Rsrc to coprocessor 's register CPdest.

2.11 Floating Point Instructions

The MIPS has a floating point coprocessor (numbered 1) that operates on single precision (32-bit) and double precision (64-bit) floating point numbers. This coprocessor has its own registers, which are numbered $f0-$f31. Because these registers are only 32-bits wide, two of them are required to hold doubles. To simplify matters, floating point operations only use even-numbered registers-including instructions that operate on single floats.

Values are moved in or out of these registers a word (32-bits) at a time by lwc1, swc1, mtc1, and mfc1 instructions described above or by the l.s, l.d, s.s, and s.d pseudoinstructions described below. The flag set by floating point comparison operations is read by the CPU with its bc1t and bc1f instructions.

In all instructions below, FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2, and FRsrc are floating point registers (e.g., $f2).

abs.d FRdest, FRsrc
Floating Point Absolute Value Double

abs.s FRdest, FRsrc
Floating Point Absolute Value Single
Compute the absolute value of the floating float double (single) in register FRsrc and put it in register FRdest.

add.d FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Addition Double

add.s FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Addition Single
Compute the sum of the floating float doubles (singles) in registers FRsrc1 and FRsrc2 and put it in register FRdest.

c.eq.d FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Compare Equal Double

c.eq.s FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Compare Equal Single
Compare the floating point double in register FRsrc1 against the one in FRsrc2 and set the floating point condition flag true if they are equal.

c.le.d FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Compare Less Than Equal Double

c.le.s FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Compare Less Than Equal Single
Compare the floating point double in register FRsrc1 against the one in FRsrc2 and set the floating point condition flag true if the first is less than or equal to the second.

c.lt.d FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Compare Less Than Double

c.lt.s FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Compare Less Than Single
Compare the floating point double in register FRsrc1 against the one in FRsrc2 and set the condition flag true if the first is less than the second.

cvt.d.s FRdest, FRsrc
Convert Single to Double

cvt.d.w FRdest, FRsrc
Convert Integer to Double
Convert the single precision floating point number or integer in register FRsrc to a double precision number and put it in register FRdest.

cvt.s.d FRdest, FRsrc
Convert Double to Single cvt.s.w FRdest, FRsrc
Convert Integer to Single
Convert the double precision floating point number or integer in register FRsrc to a single precision number and put it in register FRdest.

cvt.w.d FRdest, FRsrc
Convert Double to Integer cvt.w.s FRdest, FRsrc
Convert Single to Integer
Convert the double or single precision floating point number in register FRsrc to an integer and put it in register FRdest.

div.d FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Divide Double

div.s FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Divide Single
Compute the quotient of the floating float doubles (singles) in registers FRsrc1 and FRsrc2 and put it in register FRdest.

l.d FRdest, address
Load Floating Point Double

l.s FRdest, address
Load Floating Point Single
Load the floating float double (single) at address into register FRdest.

mov.d FRdest, FRsrc
Move Floating Point Double

mov.s FRdest, FRsrc
Move Floating Point Single
Move the floating float double (single) from register FRsrc to register FRdest.

mul.d FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Multiply Double

mul.s FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Multiply Single
Compute the product of the floating float doubles (singles) in registers FRsrc1 and FRsrc2 and put it in register FRdest.

neg.d FRdest, FRsrc
Negate Double

neg.s FRdest, FRsrc
Negate Single
Negate the floating point double (single) in register FRsrc and put it in register FRdest.

s.d FRdest, address
Store Floating Point Double

s.s FRdest, address
Store Floating Point Single
Store the floating float double (single) in register FRdest at address.

sub.d FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Subtract Double

sub.s FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2
Floating Point Subtract Single
Compute the difference of the floating float doubles (singles) in registers FRsrc1 and FRsrc2 and put it in register FRdest.

2.12 Exception and Trap Instructions

Return From Exception
Restore the Status register.

System Call
Register $v0 contains the number of the system call (see Table 1) provided by SPIM.

break n
Cause exception . Exception 1 is reserved for the debugger.

No operation
Do nothing.