A DviPresenter.
Web browser written in Caml.
Image processing library for O'Caml.
Extensional polymorphism extension for O'Caml
lablgtk interface for Mozilla's layout engine `Gecko'
Tcl/Tk interface for O'Caml (available in O'Caml distribution)
other small pieces of codes
These programs were written years ago
and dead-stocked in my old hard disk.
These softwares can be distributed freely in "as is" form.
Please give me your comment !!!
Requirements: A good UNIX environment and X11 Window system.
XCrushRoot just crushes your root window into pieces. It can be used as a
module of XScreenSaver by Jamie Zawinski.
If you want to use XCrushRoot with XScreenSaver, use -root option.
Get the source.
XError displays one of error message in sys_errorlist.
It is usually invoked with -root by XScreenSaver.
It may surprise some careless people. Even more, they may run to
a system manager...
Get the source.
CRoot is a small toy which draws ripples in your root window and
animates it by rotating the color map.
It is fun, but CRoot may disturb your concentration.
After about 30 seconds of gazing one of ripples, kill CRoot
(keep looking at the ripple!). You would experience strange vision...
NOTE: You need PSEUDO COLOUR (8bit, 256 colours) of X.
Get the source.