Module type PrivateSignatures.SCHUNK

The module ShareableChunk implements a shareable chunk, that is, a chunk that is either owned by a single owner or shared between multiple owners. This is its signature.

module EChunk : ECHUNK
type 'a chunk = 'a EChunk.t
type view = EChunk.View.view
type 'a t

A schunk is either shared or uniquely owned. When it is shared, it cannot be modified. When it is uniquely owned, it can be modified. As far as the user is concerned, this is transparent: the user does not decide whether to allocate a new schunk or modify an existing schunk in place.

However, the user is responsible for presenting an appropriate owner identity o when creating or using a schunk. (This will not be repeated in the specification of every operation.)

A schunk records the identity of its creator. It is considered uniquely owned by its creator unless its creator is Owner.none, in which case it is considered shared. Later on, when an operation is performed on this schunk with identity o, the function Owner.is_uniquely_owned is used to compare the schunk's creator with o. The outcome of this test determines whether the schunk is uniquely owned or shared, therefore can or cannot be modified in place.

type 'a measure =
| MUnit : 'a measure
| MSWeight : 'a t measure

Being able to test whether a measure is the unit measure -- which maps every element to a weight of one -- is useful. This allows optimizations in some functions, such as reach. For this reason, instead of defining the type 'a measure as a synonym for 'a -> weight, we define it as a (generalized) algebraic data type.

val apply : 'a measure -> 'a -> weight

apply m x applies the measure x to the element x and returns its weight.

val check : 'a measure -> owner -> 'a t -> unit

check m o p verifies that the schunk p is valid, i.e., that its internal invariant is satisfied. This check is relative to the measure m and to the identity o with which this schunk is accessed.

val is_uniquely_owned : 'a t -> owner -> bool

is_uniquely_owned p o determines whether the schunk p is uniquely owned by owner o.

val default : 'a t -> 'a

default p returns the default element that was provided when the schunk p was created.

val length : 'a t -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length

length p is the length of the sequence p. A dummy schunk has length 0.

val weight : 'a t -> weight

weight p is the total weight of the elements of the sequence p.

val data : 'a t -> 'a array

data p is the raw array that underlies the chunk p. This function is dangerous; it should be used only to implement efficient iterators.

val capacity : 'a t -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.capacity

capacity p is the capacity of the chunk p, that is, the maximum number of elements that this chunk can hold.

val is_empty : 'a t -> bool

is_empty p is equivalent to length p = 0.

val is_full : 'a t -> bool

is_full p is equivalent to length p = capacity p.

val create : 'a -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.capacity -> owner -> 'a t

create d n v creates a schunk with default element d, capacity n, and owner o.

val dummy : 'a -> 'a t

dummy d creates a dummy (invalid!) schunk.

val is_dummy : 'a t -> bool

is_dummy p tells whether p is a dummy schunk, that is, whether it has been built by dummy.

val support : 'a t -> 'a chunk

support p returns the chunk that supports the schunk p.

val copy : 'a t -> owner -> 'a t

copy p o creates a copy of the schunk p. The copy is owned by o.

val of_chunk_destructive : 'a chunk -> owner -> 'a t

of_chunk_destructive c o creates a new schunk, based on the ephemeral chunk c, with owner o. The ownership of the chunk c is lost. The elements of the chunk c are assumed to have unit weight.

val to_chunk : 'a t -> owner -> 'a chunk

to_chunk p o converts the schunk p to an ephemeral chunk. If p is uniquely owned by o, then it is destroyed and its support is re-used directly; no copy is required. If p is shared, then a copy is performed and a new chunk is allocated. Like of_chunk, this operation assumes that every element has unit weight.

val of_array_segment : 'a -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.capacity -> 'a array -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length -> owner -> 'a t

of_array_segment d n a head size o creates a schunk with owner o by copying data from the array segment defined by the array a, the start index head, and the size size. The schunk has capacity n and default value d. size must be less than or equal to n. The elements are assumed to have unit weight.

val make : 'a -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.capacity -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length -> 'a -> owner -> 'a t

make d n k v o creates a schunk that contains k copies of the value v. The schunk has default value d, capacity n, and owner o. The elements are assumed to have unit weight.

val init : 'a -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.capacity -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> (Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> 'a) -> owner -> 'a t

init d n k i f o creates a fresh schunk that contains the sequence of values produced by the calls f i, f (i+1), ... f (i+k-1), in this order. The schunk has default value d, capacity n, and owner o. The elements are assumed to have unit weight.

val peek : pov -> 'a t -> 'a

peek pov p returns the first or last element of the schunk p, depending on the point-of-view pov. p must be nonempty.

val push : pov -> 'a t -> 'a -> 'a measure -> owner -> 'a t

push pov p x m v pushes the element x at the front (resp. back) of the schunk p, depending on the point-of-view pov. p must not be full. Either p is updated in place, or a new schunk is allocated; this is transparent.

val pop : pov -> 'a t -> 'a measure -> owner -> 'a * 'a t

pop pov p m v pops an element off the front (resp. back) of the schunk p, depending on the point-of-view pov. p must not be empty. Either p is updated in place, or a new schunk is allocated; this is transparent.

val get : 'a t -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> 'a

get p i returns the element found at index i in the sequence p. i must be comprised between 0 included and length p excluded.

val concat : 'a t -> 'a t -> owner -> 'a t

concat p1 p2 o concatenates the sequences p1 and p2, yielding a sequence. The schunks p1 and p2 must have the same capacity. The length of the concatenated sequence must not exceed this capacity: that is, length p1 + length p2 <= capacity p1 must hold.

val reach : 'a measure -> 'a t -> weight -> weight * Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index

reach m p w returns a pair of the total weight of the elements that precede x in the sequence p and the index in the sequence of the element x within which the weight w falls. The weight index w must be comprised between 0 included and weight p excluded.

val reach_from : 'a measure -> 'a t -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> weight -> weight -> weight * Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index

reach_from m p pindex pwindex w is a generalization of reach. Compared with reach, it takes two extra arguments, an index pindex and a corresponding weight index pwindex, which describe a starting position in the schunk p. (pwindex must be consistent with pindex: that is, it must be the sum of the weights of the elements whose index is less than pindex.) The schunk p is scanned from the position pindex: it is scanned forward if pwindex <= w holds, and backwards if w < pwindex holds.

val get_by_weight : 'a measure -> 'a t -> weight -> weight * 'a

get_by_weight m p w finds the element x at weight-index w in the schunk p. It returns a pair of an adjusted weight-index (namely w minus the weight of the elements that precede x) and the element x.

val update_by_weight : 'a measure -> owner -> 'a update -> 'a t update

update_by_weight m o f p w finds the element x at weight-index w in the schunk p, adjusts the weight-index w by subtracting from it the weight of the elements that precede x, then passes x and w to the update function f, which produces a new element x'. The element x is then replaced with x' in the schunk. The elements x and x' must have the same weight.

val three_way_split : 'a t -> weight -> 'a measure -> owner -> 'a t * 'a * 'a t

three_way_split p i m o splits the sequence p into a sequence p1, followed with an element x, followed with a sequence p2, such that the weight i falls within the element x, that is, weight p1 <= i < weight p1 + apply m x holds. The weight i must be comprised between 0 included and weight p excluded.

val take : 'a t -> weight -> 'a measure -> owner -> 'a t * 'a

take is a specialized version of three_way_split. Instead of returning a triple p1, x, p2, it returns a pair p1, x.

val drop : 'a t -> weight -> 'a measure -> owner -> 'a * 'a t

drop is a specialized version of three_way_split. Instead of returning a triple p1, x, p2, it returns a pair x, p2.

val remaining_length : pov -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> 'a t -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length

remaining_length pov i p returns the number of elements found ahead of the element at index i (included).

val segment : pov -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length -> 'a t -> 'a Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.segment

segment pov i k p returns the description of a segment of at most k consecutive elements, starting from the one at index i and progressing in the direction pov. The argument k must be no greater than remaining_length pov i p.

For additional details, see the documentation of segment in the signature ECHUNK above.

val segment_max : pov -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> 'a t -> 'a Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.segment

segment_max pov i s is a shorthand for segment pov i k s where k takes its maximum permitted value, that is, remaining_length pov i p.

val iter_segments : pov -> 'a t -> 'a Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.segments

iter_segments pov p returns a sequence of one or two array segments that store the data of the schunk p.

val iteri_segments_front : 'a t -> (Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> ('a array * Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index * Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length) -> unit) -> unit

iteri_segments_front iterates over the segments in a schunk, while maintaining the index (with respect to the schunk) of the head of the current segment. It is restricted to the Front direction.

val print : 'a measure -> ('a -> PPrint.document) -> 'a t -> PPrint.document

print is a schunk printer, parameterized with an element printer. It is intended to be used only while debugging.