Pretty print

A pretty print system is provided in the library module Pretty. It allows one to pretty print data or programs. The Pretty module contains:

  1. Module description
  2. Example
  3. Programming with Pretty
  4. Remarks

Module description


The function "horiz_vertic" takes two functions as parameters. When invoked, it calls its first function. If that function fails with some specific internal error (that the function "sprintf" below may raise), the second function is called.

The type of "horiz_vertic" is:

  (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

the horizontal function

The first function is said to be the "horizontal" function. It tries to pretty print the data on a single line. In the context of this function, if the strings built by the function "sprintf" (see below) contain newlines or have lengths greater than "line_length", the function fails (with a internal exception local to the module).

the vertical function

In case of failure of the "horizontal function", the second function of "horiz_vertic", the "vertical" function, is called. In the context of that function, the "sprintf" function behaves like the normal "sprintf" function of the OCaml library module "Printf".


The function "sprintf" works like its equivalent in the module "Printf" of the OCaml library, and takes the same parameters. Its difference is that if it is called in the context of the first function (the "horizontal" function) of the function "horiz_vertic" (above), all strings built by "sprintf" are checked for newlines or length greater than the maximum line length. If either occurs, the "sprintf" function fails and the horizontal function fails.

If "sprintf" is not in the context of the horizontal function, it behaves like the usual "sprintf" function.


The variable "line_length" is a reference holding the maximum line length of lines printed horizontally. Its default is 78. This can be changed by the user before using "horiz_vertic".


The call "horizontally ()" returns a boolean telling whether the context is horizontal.


Suppose you want to pretty print the XML code "<li>something</li>". If the "something" is short, you want to see:


If the "something" has several lines, you want to see that:


A possible implementation is:

  open Pretty;
    (fun () -> sprintf "<li>something</li>")
    (fun () -> sprintf "<li>\n  something\n</li>");

Notice that the "sprintf" above is the one of the library Pretty.

Notice also that, in a program displaying XML code, this "something" may contain other XML tags, and is therefore generally the result of other pretty printing functions, and the program should rather look like:

    (fun () -> sprintf "<li>%s</li>" (print something))
    (fun () -> sprintf "<li>\n  %s\n</li>" (print something))

Parts of this "something" can be printed horizontally and other vertically using other calls to "horiz_vertic" in the user function "print" above. But it is important to remark that if they are called in the context of the first function parameter of "horiz_vertic" above, only horizontal functions are accepted: the first failing "horizontal" function triggers the failure of the horizontal pretty printing.

Programming with Pretty


Just start with a call to "horiz_vertic".

As its first function, use "sprintf" just to concat the strings without putting any newlines or indentations, e.g. just using spaces to separate pieces of data.

As its second function, consider how you want your data to be cut. At the cutting point or points, add newlines. Notice that you probably need to give the current indentation string as parameter of the called functions because they need to be taken into account in the called "horizontal" functions.

In the example below, don't put the indentation in the sprintf function but give it as parameter of your "print" function:

    (fun () -> sprintf "<li>%s</li>" (print "" something))
    (fun () -> sprintf "<li>\n%s\n</li>" (print "  " something))

Now, the "print" function could look like, supposing you print other things with "other" of the current indentation and "things" with a new shifted one:

  value print ind something =
      (fun () -> sprintf "%sother things..." ind)
      (fun () -> sprintf "%sother\n%s  things..." ind ind);

Supposing than "other" and "things" are the result of two other functions "print_other" and "print_things", your program could look like:

  value print ind (x, y) =
      (fun () -> sprintf "%s%s %s" ind (print_other 0 x) (print_things 0 y))
      (fun () -> sprintf "%s\n%s" (print_other ind x) (print_things (ind ^ "  ") y));

How to cancel a horizontal print

If you want to prevent a pretty printing function from being called in a horizontal context, constraining the pretty print to be on several lines in the calling function, just do:

    (fun () -> sprintf "\n")
    (fun () -> ... (* your normal pretty print *))

In this case, the horizontal print always fails, due to the newline character in the sprintf format.



The module "Pretty" is intended to be basic, a "kernel" module to pretty print data. It presumes that the user takes care of the indentation. Programs using "Pretty" are not as short as the ones using "Format" of the OCaml library, but are more flexible. To pretty print with a shorter syntax like in the OCaml module "Format" (with the "@" convention), see statement "pprintf" (which internally uses the module "Pretty").

Strings vs Channels

In "Pretty", the pretty printing is done only on strings, not on files. To pretty print files, just build the strings and print them afterwards with the usual output functions. Notice that OCaml allocates and frees strings quickly, and if pretty printed values are not huge, which is generally the case, it is not a real problem, memory sizes these days being more than enough for this job.

Strings or other types

The "horiz_vertic" function can return values of types other than "string". For example, if you are interested only in the result of horizontal context and not on the vertical one, it is perfectly correct to write:

    (fun () -> Some (sprintf "I hold on a single line")
    (fun () -> None)

Why raising exceptions ?

One could ask why this pretty print system raises internal exceptions. Why not simply write the pretty printing program like this:

  1. first build the data horizontally (without newlines)
  2. if the string length is lower than the maximum line length, return it
  3. if not, build the string by adding newlines in the specific places

This method works but is generally very slow (exponential in time) because while printing horizontally, many useless strings are built. If, for example, the final printed data holds on 50 lines, tens of lines may be built uselessly again and again before the overflowing is corrected.

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