Xavier Leroy, Sandrine Blazy.Formal verification of a C-like memory model and its uses for verifying program transformations.
Journal of Automated Reasoning. 41(1), pp.1-31, July 2008.
Sandrine Blazy.
Which C semantics to embed in the front-end of a formally verified
TTVSI (Tools and Techniques for Verification of System Infrastructure), en l'honneur des 60 ans du professeur
Michael J.C.Gordon, Londres, 25-26 mars 2008.
Benoît Robillard, Sandrine Blazy, Éric Soutif.
Coloration avec préférences : complexité, inégalités valides et vérification formelle.
ROADEF'08, 9e congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Clermont-Ferrand, 25-27 février 2008, pp.123-138.
- Sandrine Blazy, Benoît Robillard, Éric Soutif. Vérification formelle d'un algorithme d'allocation de registres par coloration de graphes. Journées Françaises des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA'08), Étretat, 26-29 janvier 2008, pp.31-46.
- Sandrine Blazy. Comment gagner confiance en C ?. TSI, numéro spécial "Langages applicatifs", Volume 26, numéro 9, 2007, pp.1195-1200.
- Sandrine Blazy, Benoît Robillard, Éric Soutif.
Coloration avec préférences dans les graphes triangulés.
Journées Graphes et algorithmes (JGA'07), Paris, 8-9 novembre 2007, p.32.
- Andrew W. Appel, Sandrine Blazy. Separation logic for small-step Cminor. 20th Int. Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2007), Kaiserslautern, Germany 10-13 September 2007. LNCS 4732, pp.5-21.
- Sandrine Blazy. Experiments in validating formal semantics for C. C/C++ Verification Workshop, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2 July 2007. Raboud University Nijmegen report ICIS-R07015, pp.95-102.
- Andrew W.Appel, Sandrine Blazy. Separation logic for small-step Cminor (extended version). INRIA research report RR-6138, March 2007, 29 pages.
- Sandrine Blazy, Frédéric Gervais, Régine Laleau.
Une démarche outillée pour spécifier formellement des patrons de conception réutilisables.
Workshop Objets, Composants et Modèles dans l'ingénierie des SI,
associé à INFORSID'2003, Nancy, 3 juin 2003.
- Sandrine Blazy, Frédéric Gervais, Régine Laleau.
Reuse of specification patterns with the B method.
ZB 2003 3rd Int. Conference of B and Z Users,
Turku, Finland, 4-6 June 2003, LNCS 2651, pp.40-57.
- Sandrine Blazy, Frédéric Gervais, Régine Laleau.
Un exemple de réutilisation de patterns de spécification avec la méthode B.
Rapport technique CEDRIC N°395.
- Sandrine Blazy.
Transformations certifiées de programmes impératifs.
Rapport technique CEDRIC N°398.
- Sandrine Blazy.
Specifying and Automatically Generating a Specialization Tool for Fortran 90.
Journal on Automated Software Engineering,
Vol.7, N°4, December 2000, pp.345-376.
- Stéphanie Bocs, Sandrine Blazy, P.Glaser, Claudine Médigue.
An automatic detection of prokaryotic CoDing Sequences Combining Several
Independant Methods.
Genome 2000, Int. Conf. on Microbial and Model Genomes, Paris, 11-15 April 2000.
Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
Partial evaluation for program comprehension.
Computing Surveys, Symposium on partial evaluation, Vol.30, N°3es,
September 1998.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
Interprocedural analysis for program comprehension by specialization.
4th IEEE Workshop on Program Comprehension, Berlin, 29-31 March 1996, pp.133-141.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
An automatic interprocedural analysis for the understanding of scientific application programs.
Seminar on partial evaluation, Dagsthul castle 12-16 February 1996, LNCS 1110, pp.1-16.
Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
Formal specification and prorotyping of a program specializer.
TAPSOFT'95, Aarhus, 22-26 May 1995, LNCS 915, pp.666-680.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
SFAC: a tool for program comprehension by specialization.
3rd IEEE Workshop on Program Comprehension, Washington D.C., 14-15 November 1994, pp.162-167.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
Partial evaluation for the understanding of Fortran programs.
Int. Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), 4(4), December 1994, pp.535-559.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon
Partial evaluation as an aid to the comprehension of Fortran programs.
2nd IEEE Workshop on Program Comprehension, Capri, Italy, July 1993, pp.46-54.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon
Partial evaluation for the understanding of Fortran programs.
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), San Francisco, June 1993, pp.517-525.
Awarded best student paper.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon
Partial evaluation and symbolic computation for the understanding of Fortran programs.
CAISE'93, Paris, June 1993, LNCS 685, pp.184-198.
- Sandrine Blazy
La spécialisation de programmes pour l'aide à la maintenance du logiciel.
CNAM, 1993, PhD thesis (in French).
- Marc Haziza, Jean-François Voidrot, Eal Minor, Lech Pofelski, Sandrine Blazy.
Software maintenance: an analysis of industrial needs and constraints.
IEEE Confrence Software Maintenance, Orlando, USA, 9-12 November 1992, pp.18-26.
- Sandrine Blazy, Philippe Facon.
Évaluation partielle pour la compréhension de programmes Fortran.
Software Engineering and its applications, Toulouse, December 1992, pp.411-417.