Re: weird

From: Ian Miller (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 16:08:34 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Time for checking results?"

    If a Mac goes to sleep, it stops doing _anything_ including running ECDL.
    You need to disable processor sleeping. My page on the MacOS port for the
    previous ECDL challenge is still up at:-

    This includes the following advice on disabling sleeping:-

    "Running Unattended

    If you intend to leave the ECDL-PPC running while the machine is unattended
    (e.g. overnight), it may be necessary to adjust the
    energy saving settings to prevent it going to sleep. To do this:-

        1.Open the Energy Saver Control Panel.
        2.Select "Sleep Setup".
        3.If the button at the bottom right reads "show details", click on it
    so it reads "Hide details".
        4.Check both the "Separate Timing for ..." check-boxes.
        5.Set the "Put system to sleep whenever it's inactive for" to 'never'.
        6.Close the Control Panel. "

    It is okay (indeed probably advisable) to allow the screen and discs to
    sleep, but you have to prevent the processor sleeping.


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