Re: Networked Computers

From: Jim Fougeron (
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 02:36:19 MET

  • Next message: kctang: "Impact of [SHG2000] on the ECDL Charity"


    My Win32 gui port can do a single shared dist.points file across the
    network correctly, but since most of your clients are Macs, that
    program will not help you in this situation (you still may want to
    look at it, because it is faster).

    I am not a Mac person at all (so please ignore my ignorance). Can
    Macs map drives/volumes/directories across the network? If so, then
    you can setup 6 subdirectories on one shared networked drive, and run
    each the clients from a different subdirectory. You have to run each
    client in it's own separate subdirectory, because the saved.state
    file is NOT a sharable file.

    A simple .BAT file (speaking in the Dos/Win world) can be constructed
    which automatically (and correctly) renames all of the dist.points
    files, and concatenates them into a single file which you can then
    send in. If you can get the multiple clients running on the same
    networked drive, I can easily help (if needed) writing a simple
    batch file to automate the "processing" of the points.


    >I have one PC and five Macs running ECDL on a LAN at work. Every day or so,
    >I go to each computer, change the name of the dist.points file, save it
    >across the network to the one PC and then manually dial up and submit six
    >batches of points. I see much larger computer networks submitting points
    >and I can't imagine the time it takes without a better method. I don't want
    >to submit duplicate points but also don't want to spend all the time if it's
    >not necessary. Is it possible for all of them to save to the same
    >dist.points file across the network automatically or am I already using the
    >best possible method?
    >In God We Trust
    >All Others, Bring Data.
    >Chuck Werninger
    >508 Chickadee
    >Little Rock, AR 72205

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