Re: Can't build on solaris x86

From: Martin Quinson (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 11:17:58 MET

  • Next message: Vincent Goffin: "Re: sco unixware7 binaries anyone?"

    > > Here is what I get when I try to build on a pentium II under solaris :
    > > ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to ecdl.solaris.i386
    > > It's the same when I use cc or gcc...
    > > Which library did I forget ?
    > -lnsl -lsocket
    > (Solaris is odd, the BSD socket functions are not in libc, but in the
    > libraries above.)

    It works fine, thanks.
    Why not to say womething about that in the readme.html ?

    Longue vie à vous, Mt.

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