Re: Point Comparison

From: Mary Beth Wirtz Osiecki (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 19:04:07 MET

  • Next message: Daniel de Rauglaudre: "Re: Point Comparison"

    I thought the same thing when I saw it. Now I know that this is not exactly
    correct, but how about changing it to %complete or some such? Those who know
    will know, and those who don't won't be discouraged.

    Dan Oetting wrote:

    > At 8:28 -0700 1/19/2000, Daniel de Rauglaudre wrote:
    > >On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 08:38:31PM +1000, Mikhail N. Volkov wrote:
    > >
    > >> Why not putting on stats page something like "Points found: NNNNN ,
    > >> probability of success: XX%" ?
    > >> So everybody can see< how much work left to be done.
    > >
    > >Ok, it is displayed now in the "Summary" page.
    > >I hope that I took the good formula to compute this value... :-)
    > It sounds like there is now a 90% probability of failure! This should be
    > labeled something like "Initial probability of success at this point".
    > Another usefull number to display would be "Probability of success in the
    > next 24 hours" and possibly "Number of days to reach 50% from here"
    > PS: How do you explain mean, median and mode to the average Joe? 8^)
    > -- Dan Oetting <>

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