Re: Point Comparison

From: Philippe Deschamp (Philippe.Deschamp@INRIA.Fr)
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 18:32:10 MET

  • Next message: Daniel de Rauglaudre: "Re: Point Comparison"

    Another thought :

    > With 1/3 of 1.3 millions points, the chance of having found the solution is
    > about 1/20.
    > With 1.3 millions points, it is 1/2.

    Shouldn't you update the estimated number of points needed, to something like
    half the remaining space? As it stands, if we are not lucky the web page will
    still state that we need about 1.3 million points... when we have more than
    that. At the moment, with 0.4 million received, you could display an estimate
    of 1.1 million yet to compute.

    Or am I mistaken?

    Philippe Deschamp.                  In medio stat virtus

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