Re: Point Comparison

From: Philippe Deschamp (Philippe.Deschamp@INRIA.Fr)
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 18:22:41 MET

  • Next message: Philippe Deschamp: "Re: Point Comparison"

    > Rob looks at the new points every day. With 1/3 of 1.3 millions
    > points, the chance of having found the solution is about 1/20.

    While we're at it : do you check that no two "machines" are on the same
    track? Chances for that are theoretically infinitesimal, I think, but I
    reckon that the probability is not negligible in practice, since it is so
    easy to start two processes with the same "saved.state"...

    Philippe Deschamp.                  In medio stat virtus

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